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Transparency Library proudly presents Issue No. 23 to our readers, bringing the latest news, literary topics, & heated columns for your enjoyment. It gives us great joy to be able to be in the presence of such great writers and to speak on topics that are very relative to our Culture. This magazine is the epitome of Black Excellence.

We look forward to many issues to come with a plethora of New Authors from ALL OVER THE WORLD! We are currently serving TX, VA, DC, PA, LA, MS, CA, AZ, SC, NC, NY, GA, FL, CT, CO, AR, OH, MD, IL, IN, MI, DE, NJ, & AL. Also in Japan, Australia, & The UK.

March 2020 cover (1).png

Holistic Articles

There are articles inside of each issue that tells you what food and drink benefits you can achieve without medication!

News Not on TV

Often times, the news we see always paints a negative light on the ethnic cultures. It is my duty to bring you the good news that's not seen or important things they fail to report!

Author Spotlights

In each issue, there are authors who are highlighted as the guests on The Literary Lounge. We also showcase the cover author as well!


We often do not get warnings when it comes to what is hazardous...especially medications. However, we also inform you of environmental issues!

In This Issue

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