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Transparency Library Monthly Magazine is a monthly contribution of authors, ads of local businesses, and columns made by selected authors. This is the first of it's kind to have all literary walks of life! Each issue holds information about interviews being held that month, health benefits of holistic foods, and articles about specific authors.

It varies in cover and information from month to month.

TL Monthly Magazine

  • In this issue, we showcased Kai Storm, R. B. Carr, Charlene Atchison, & She Nell. Our cover author is Sidra Owens, author of the New Release of, "A Haven Amidst Perdition". We talk about the Health Benefits of Sunflower seeds.

  • Standard shipping rates are $5.95 and order is shipped within 72 hours of purchase. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for delivery. Please be advised that shipping information may vary due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

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